This article is aimed at everyone! The summer silly season is with us again, holidays are a good time and should be happy times. All too often things don't happen that way. Lots of people normally don't drink too much but like to partake while on holiday, which means that no one knows how much effect it will have or any adverse effect. This can create a lack of judgement.
Drink can play a large part in “accidents” and cause a lack of concentration particularly near water. This can create a serious problem be to yourself or anyone that you are caring for. Any lack of concentration can be serious.
Please don't think that just because children who have had swimming lessons is an excuse not to be vigilant. A 25m swimming certificate will not save a life! There is a vast difference between a heated, covered, swimming pool and any outside water. Just putting a face in water can result in a fatality, not just by taking water in. Entering cold water quickly can cause cold water shock and result in a fatality.
Hot weather can make being near or in water an enjoyable experience, always be aware. Hot weather can have its own problems, de-hydration, heat stroke. Going somewhere remote? Tell someone, stick to any time scale agreed
Talk to the coastguard, they would rather talk for 5mins than search for 5hrs.
“Accidents” do not always happen when swimming, it's good to try something different, walking, trekking, canoeing, sailing, cycling, and lots more. Things that are outside our normal areas of activity are exciting and can make a memorable holiday. Make whatever you do memorable for the right reasons. Be aware of what you are going to do, do a risk assessment, like you do when you cross a road!
“Accidents” don’t just happen, they are caused, don’t be the cause. Come back feeling better and have all the good memories. Always carry a First Aid kit and know how to use it.
The words to remember are "Think First".
Water Safety Talks and First Aid tuition is available to give awareness, it could surprise you, it could save a life. Please contact us to be surprised and learn how to help yourself and others.
Look at all our available courses and receive qualified, professional training to help you to deal with medical emergencies.