Dislocations are probably the most painful of accidents.
The most common are fingers, toes, shoulders, hips and knees.
A dislocation is exactly what it says, a bone has lost its location from a specific place. All bones sit in a place in the skeleton so that everything will work in balance.
Dislocations are usually recognised by way of an obvious deformity, this deformity can look like a break in appearance, a great amount of care is required during any treatment.
Simple movement can result in a dislocation, an over enthusiastic movement, a trip, a fall, a knock.
Some people are prone to dislocations, some have had a dislocation and become prone, so it is easier for a dislocation to happen. Some that are prone say, and can, and do relocate the bone, this is not generally a good idea as quite a few things can happen during a dislocation.
Re-location of a dislocation is best done by a professional, they know exactly how to put it back in place, getting one in the first place can be very painful, putting it back can be painful. If manipulation does not work a medical intervention may be the only way so being with a professional is best.
A first aider can help but it is minimal, the usual is “call an ambulance” , do not move it.
Other things can be done so it is worthwhile to find out exactly what, why and how by attending one of our courses.
Look at our available courses and receive qualified, professional training to help you to deal with medical emergencies.